February 13, 2025

Ariel Baena

Advanced Car Safety Systems

Optimal Maintenance for Alternative Fuel Vehicles

Optimal Maintenance for Alternative Fuel Vehicles


With the recent rise in the number of electric and hybrid vehicles on America’s roads, it’s important to know how to keep these vehicles in good shape. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the most important aspects of maintenance for alternative fuel vehicles.

Optimal Maintenance for Alternative Fuel Vehicles

On-board diagnostics

On-board diagnostics (OBD) are a system of sensors and computers that monitor the operation of your vehicle. They can tell you when something is wrong with your car, like a faulty fuel gauge or low tire pressure. OBDs also help Ford Motor Company understand what’s going on in their cars so that they can make improvements to their design and performance over time.

Ford uses two types of OBDs: generic and manufacturer-specific systems. Generic systems include all vehicles made after 1996, regardless of brand or model; manufacturer-specific systems are built for individual makes/models by carmakers such as Ford or Toyota (though some manufacturers use both).

Air filter

The air filter should be checked every 20,000 miles. If you’re having difficulty raising or lowering your hood, it’s probably time to change out the air filter. Check for wear and tear on your car’s engine by taking a look at the underside of the hood–if there are signs of rusting or corrosion, it may be time for a replacement as well.

If replacing an engine’s air filter is not included in your owner’s manual (it often isn’t), follow these steps:

  • Open your car door and prop up one side of it with a block of wood or something similar so that you can access all four corners without having to crawl under anything. This step alone will make getting at those hard-to-reach places much easier!

Fuel filters

Fuel filters need to be changed regularly. They should be replaced every 10,000 miles, but you should also change them more frequently if you drive in an area with a lot of dust or if you do a lot of highway driving.

Cooling system

  • Coolant. The coolant maintains the proper temperature of your engine by circulating through it, absorbing heat and carrying it to the radiator. It’s important to check your vehicle’s coolant levels regularly to ensure that you don’t run low on this vital fluid.
  • Radiator. The radiator is typically located in front of or behind your engine and acts as a large heat exchanger for removing excess heat from inside your car or truck’s engine compartment via airflow over its surface area (or even through tubes within). A clogged radiator can lead to overheating and other problems with air conditioning performance as well as decreased fuel efficiency due to increased friction between moving parts inside an overheated motor – so make sure yours gets cleaned regularly!
  • Thermostat: This device regulates engine temperature by allowing hot coolant into one side while restricting flow through another valve on its opposite side (which allows cold water into). If yours has failed or become stuck open due to corrosion build-up within its housing unit then you may need replacement parts soon – otherwise there shouldn’t be any reason why anyone would need anything more than simple maintenance services every few years here!

Brakes and wheel alignment

Brake pads and rotors should be checked for wear.

  • Brake pads: If the vehicle has drum brakes, check the thickness of the brake lining (the part that rubs against the brake drum). When it’s time to replace these parts, you’ll need to remove them from their mounting brackets and slide out any dust or dirt that may have accumulated in there over time.
  • Rotors: If your vehicle has disc brakes, inspect both sides of each rotor for grooves or cracks in its surface; if you find any damage like this on either side of a rotor then it needs replacing immediately because it could cause unevenly worn tires and contribute to unsafe conditions while driving–which could lead to an accident! You’ll also want to make sure that there aren’t any loose bolts holding everything together before reassembling everything after installing new rotors onto wheels again.”

Tires, suspension and steering components

Tire pressure and tread depth are important. Tires should be checked regularly for wear, cracks and other damage. You can find out how much pressure your tires need by looking at the tire placard or owner’s manual that came with your vehicle.

If you notice any unusual noises from the suspension or steering components (such as a “clunk” sound when going over bumps), it could be an indication of impending failure and should be investigated immediately by a qualified technician who knows how to service alternative fuel vehicles.

Battery and charging systems

The batteries used in electric vehicles (EVs) are expensive and can be damaged by overcharging or undercharging, so it’s important to know how to maintain them.

Battery capacity decreases with age and use; this is normal, but it’s also something you should keep an eye on if you want your EV to last as long as possible.

If your battery has been in use for three years or more, consider having it tested by a professional who knows how to test an EV battery properly–they will be able to tell whether there are any problems with its performance or health before they become acute issues that cause damage or breakdowns.

The take away from this article is that alternative fuel vehicles need the same maintenance as regular gas cars.

The take away from this article is that alternative fuel vehicles need the same maintenance as regular gas cars.

The cost of maintenance for an alternative fuel vehicle is more than a traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle. The reason for this is because there are more moving parts in an AFV, which means there are more things that can break down or go wrong and require repair work done on them. Also, AFVs have sensors that monitor their performance and help determine when they need servicing or repairs done on them–these sensors also tend to be expensive when they break down or need replacement due to wear and tear over time.


All in all, if you own an alternative fuel vehicle and want to keep it in top condition, regular maintenance is the key.